Social Research
CAMEALEON - Leaving Nobody Behind: Evidence from Lebanon on how Multi-purpose Cash Beneficiaries with Different Vulnerability Profiles Spend Income and Access Services - May 2022
This study aimed to generate a more in-depth and nuanced understanding of the impact of MPC assistance on Syrian refugee households with different vulnerability profiles, and explores how complementary interventions can support severely vulnerable households to meet their basic needs and address issues beyond the reach of cash. Generating evidence on this topic will support WFP, donors, and other cash actors in monitoring the adequacy of the transfer value of MPC in relation to the Survival Minimum Expenditure Basket (SMEB) for specific vulnerable groups, future refinements of the Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM), and considerations on which complementary services need to be prioritized to create a safety net for refugees. The research was commissioned by the Cash Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability, Learning Organizational Network (CAMEALEON), an NGO-led network, co-managed by the Norwegian Refugee Council, Oxfam and Solidarités International.