Nov 19, 2020

Gender, age and disability disaggregation – why does it matter?

At the heart of the Exigo ethos is inclusiveness, a principle that we highlight and implement across all of our work. This means that not only do we value and strive to always maintain a diverse team in our workplace, but we also prioritise across all of our projects the disaggregation of data across categories of gender, age, and disability. Our experience has shown that our research, analysis, and findings are most useful and relevant when they capture data and insight from all corners of society, including from vulnerable populations whose voices are often not heard. 

This is often led by client requirements, for example when measuring the needs of certain beneficiaries, evaluating the ways in which humanitarian programmes have met their demographic responsibilities, or when collecting data for Knowledge, Attitude and Practices (KAP) or Gender, Age and Disability (GAD) assessments. 

However, the focus on this level of inclusion and disaggregation is something that Exigo sees as essential to every one of our projects. The following gives some examples of how we achieve this in each phase of our projects:

Methodological design: We always try to include the Washington Group Questions (short or extended set) in our surveys to identify persons with disabilities and collect data responding to their responses and needs. This tool is designed to identify youth and adult survey participants with self-identified functional difficulties, thus facilitating data disaggregation by disability, and ensuring the inclusion of persons with visible and invisible disabilities in the analysis and conclusions of all reports and projects. 

Data collection: Our fieldwork teams are always comprised of individuals who are the most approachable and appropriate to each context and requirement. As such, we aim to maintain at all times an equal number of male and female enumerators; this may be varied according to the terms of each consultancy - for example, more female enumerators for a project focused on the needs or protection of women. 

Data analysis: Our team of research analysts will alway look at data through a lens of disaggregation, in order to detect and analyse differences and similarities across gender, age, and disability. This allows us to provide and present the most relevant results, findings, and recommendations to all of our clients. Furthermore, Exigo makes efforts to incorporate intersectionality between gender, age and disability into our work. This approach allows us to clearly see that people’s identities, experiences, and perspectives on and responses to various topics are shaped by multiple, interlinking factors. This understanding is reflected across our data and research, enabling us to present findings which are closest to the lived experiences of beneficiaries or survey respondents as possible; as a result, our clients are able to use these findings and develop the most fitting responses to address - for example - the needs of specific population groups.